Friday, October 31, 2008

Are You A Music Snob?

A musical snob, guilty of snobbery, is a person who adopts the world-view that some people's musical tastes are inherently inferior to others for any one of a variety of reasons including real or supposed knowledge (how long has one been listening/ collecting music), wealth (the number of albums in one's collection), education, ancestry, etc. Often, the form of snobbery reflects the offending individual's socio-musical background. For example, a common snobbery of the musically adept is the affectation that one's place in the rock snob heirarchy is either the cause or result of superior aural abilities. However, a form of snobbery can be adopted by someone not a part of that group; Pseudo-rock snob is a type of snob. Such a snob imitates the manners, adopts many of the tastes of true rock snobs and attempts to pass themselves off as a true connesseur of great music. It affects their world-view and affects the lifestyle of a social class of people to which he or she aspires, but does not yet belong, and to which he or she may never belong.


Thom Gabrukiewicz said...

yes I am.

Hal Johnson said...

I'm still a work in progress, but hey, hope springs eternal.

Brave Sir Robin said...

I'm related to one!

Alessandro Vitelli said...

I confess......

RumpRoast said...


cdillon said...

My snobbery is based on the degree of passion a person who professes to love music exhibits.
You can't fake a real bone deep love of music though some try.
I cringe when musicians claim they never listen to music and am dumbfounded when someone claims they never listen to lyrics. WTF?

cdillon said...

Woah, what happened to that sentence.
Do over:
My snobbery is based on the degree of passion exhibited by a person who professes to love music.

sexy said...



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